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Vikash Polytechnic,
Vikash Polytechnic College has been established in the academic year- 2012-13 to provide the young people, especially for the aspirants who are aiming for a professional and job oriented training and who come from the rural and semiurban background an ideal platform to pursue vocational training in skill areas of engineering. While striving to meet the demands for qualified technicians in this highly evolving segment, we try to form the students into citizens who will be conscious of their positive role and contribution to the nation’s progress and the society.

Transformation of the society should take place from the roots; only then we can soar in the sky. Vikash is committed to play a key role in shaping the future of the world by grooming the future citizens. The endeavour is to set a path to systematic education with global relevance, so that the students are groomed to meet the challenges and emerge successful with a global outlook.
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Contact Number:
+91 82800 08111
+91 94371 58858
Quick links:
AICTE (All India Council for Technical Education)NPTEL (National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning)
SWAYAM (Study Webs of Active–Learning for Young Aspiring Minds)
SCTE & VT (State Council for Technical Education & Vocational Training)